Wednesday, 15 January 2020 offline on Thursday for two 1-hour sessions

The National Library of Ireland has advised that to facilitate essential electrical works tomorrow, 16 January, all of its online services via will be unavailable for two one-hour sessions.

The first may affect the early risers: from 6:30am to 7:30am.
The second may catch a few more people: from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.

For genealogists, the most obvious loss will be access to the e-catalogue and the Roman Catholic Parish Registers. With regards to the latter, there will be a knock-on effect: if you're searching for RC baptisms and marriages via RootsIreland, Ancestry and FindMyPast, their links to images of the registers won't work.

Hopefully, full access will be available outside the advised offline times.

UPDATE, Thursday 5:50pm: NLI has advised that this evening's offline session needs to be extended. It is expected to last for TWO hours, rather than one.