I won't bore you with details. Suffice to say all is/are now well. Except for the tooth, which bit the dust.
Talking of which, I dusted off the desk this morning, congratulated myself at having left it in what, under the circumstances, was a fairly neat state, and after a double fix of Weetabix, I tackled my Inbox.
Just the 334 emails, only 15 of any use or genuine interest to me. (I really must set up a redirect solution. A serious cull is on my Resolutions list.)
Anyway, the Inbox looks less scary now the deleted folder is bulging, so I shall start blogging again this afternoon, even though I usually avoid the Friday graveyard slot.
I'll have a few items for you today and you'll know normal service has been fully resumed when the Events list is published on Monday.
And, belatedly, I send my best wishes for 2020 to all Irish family historians.