Monday 19 June to Wednesday 21 June: The Country House Revived? The 15th Annual Historic Houses Conference. Hosts: The Centre for the Study of Historic Irish Houses and Estates, Maynooth University, and the Office of Public Works. Venue: Dublin Castle, Dame Street,
Dublin 2.
Programme and details (pdf).
Tuesday 20 June: Tracing your Irish Roots, with Lorna Moloney. Host: Clans and Surnames. Venue: Hotel Mayrick, Eyre Square,
Galway City. Superbly located, overlooking Eyre Square, 9:30am to 4:30pm. Book by email to or telephone 085-8721184.
Tuesday 20 June: Galway Centenary Conversations: War and Revolution Roadshow. Host: Galway County Council, NUI Galway, The Moore Institute and others. Venue: Craughwell Hall,
Craughwell, Co Galway. 8pm. Free.
Details. All welcome.
Wednesday 21 June: Post-post conflict? The Contemporary Murals of Northern Ireland, with Tony Crowley. Host and venue: Irish World Heritage Centre, 1 Irish Town Way, Cheetham Hill,
Manchester, UK, M8 0AE. Free, but
need to register. All welcome. 7:30 to 9pm.
Wednesday 21 June: Politics of 16th-Centure South Leitrim – the Muintir Eolais Declaration, 1552, with Noel McLougholin. Host: Carrick on Shannon & District Historical Society. Venue: Bush Hotel, Main St, Townparks,
Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim. All welcome. Members Free. Non-members €5. 8:30pm.
Thursday 22 June: Book Launch:
The Great Famine in Tralee and North Kerry, by Bryan MacMahon. Official launch by Jimmy Deenihan. Venue: O’Mahony’s Booksellers, Castle Street,
Tralee, Co. Kerry. 5:30pm. All welcome.
Thursday 22 June: The coastguard in Tramore, an evening fieldtrip/guided walk, with James Doherty. Host: Waterford Archaeological & Historical Society. Venue: Coastguard Cultural Centre,
Tramore, Co Waterford. 7pm. All welcome. Members free; non-members €5.
Friday 23 and Saturday 24 June: Oral Histories of Work and Leisure – conference, workshops, presentations and dinner. Host: Oral History Network Ireland. Venue: Connacht Hotel, Dublin Road,
Galway City.
Full programme. Registration closes on 16 July.
Saturday 24 June: Irish Genealogical Research Society at the Yorkshire Family History Show. Venue: York Racecourse,
York, UK. The show includes more than 50 exhibitors (record offices, family history societies, retailers, online services, books etc) from across the geographical British Isles, plus expert talks. Admission £4.80. 10am to 4:30pm. All welcome.
Saturday 24 June: 7th Galway Heritage Conference. Host: Galway City Council and the Heritage Council. Venue: Harbour Hotel, New Dock Road,
Galway City. 9:15am–5:30pm. Refreshments and light lunch included. Free but booking essential.
Sunday 25 June: Liverpool Easter Rising Memorial, public unveiling. Host: Liverpool Easter 1916 Commemoration Committee. Venue: St Anthony's Roman Catholic Church, Scotland Road,
Liverpool, UK. 1pm. Followed by reception. All welcome.
From Monday 26 June: Lisburn 1918–1923, exhibition launch. Venue: Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum, Market Square,
Lisburn, BT28 1AG. Monday to Saturdays, 9:30am to 5pm. Free.
Monday 26 June: Remembering the 'Forgotten Irish' - Unveiling of plaque commemorating hundreds of thousands of Irish who came to London after WW2 and helped to rebuild a city and country devastated by war and conflict. Host: London Irish Centre. Venue: London Irish Centre, 50-52 Camden Square,
London NW1 9XB. Official unveiling by Ambassador Dan Mulhall. 2pm to 3pm. Free. All welcome. No need to book.
Tuesday 27 June: My ancestors were sent to jail – Hurrah! with Tony Hennessey MAGI. Host: National Archives of Ireland's 2017 Lecture Programme. Venue: Reading Room, National Archives, Bishop Street,
Dublin 8. Free. All welcome. 6pm. No booking required.
Tuesday 27 June: The fisherfolk of Kilrush: A study of traditional fishing methods in Kilrush, with Caroline Wilson. Host: Kilrush & District Historical Society. Venue: Teach Ceoil, Kilrush, Co Clare. Lecture at 8pm, following AGM.
Tuesday 27 June: The Conscription Crisis, 1917-1918: anatomy of a psychological partition, with Dr Emmanuel Destenay. Host and venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street,
Dublin 2. 1pm. Free. All welcome. Details.
Wednesday 28 June: Galway Centenary Conversations: War and Revolution Roadshow. Host: Galway County Council, NUI Galway, The Moore Institute and others. Venue: Station House,
Clifden, Co Galway. 8pm. Free.
Details. All welcome.
Wednesday 28 June: The opening battle of the Civil War, with Liz Gillis. Host and venue: Witness Gallery, GPO Witness History Visitor Centre, O'Connell Street,
Dublin 1. Lecture at 5.30pm. Tickets €10, and include optional self-guided of the GPO Witness History Visitor Centre at 4.45pm. Limited spaces
need to be booked.