Tuesday, 5 January 2016

The National Archives, London: cost/service changes

The National Archives (TNA) in Kew, London, has announced new fee schedules to come into effect next month. You can download a summary of the revised charges here (pdf 73kb).

Among the changes is an increase in the cost of downloading digital records from TNA's website (up 15p to £3.45) and the per copy (b/w, up to A3) cost of the Reading Room's self-service copiers (up 5p to 30p).

another major revision is to the existing record copying service, which allows off-site researchers to request digital or paper copies of records for which no digital copy is currently available. This service will see the introduction of a new up-front fee of £8.24 to cover the staff resources it takes for finding the document a researcher wants copied, and for checking that it is suitable for copying. To offset this cost, the charge for copies (up to A3 size) will be reduced to £3.50 (digital) and £1.30 (paper).

The service will be integrated into TNA's online catalogue Discovery, and will provide a tracking facility.

The new regime will be launched on Tuesday 2 February. To prepare for the changes, the record copying service will not be available on Thursday 14 January or Monday 1 February. There's more about this change on the TNA website.