Friday 22 January 2016

Mapping Ireland exhibition: online and in Belfast

Libraries NI's virtual exhibition for January is ‘Mapping Ireland’.

Items in this online exhibition come from collections held in Belfast Central Library's Heritage Department, and include a selection of early maps of Ireland dating from 1572 to the 1790s. Some of them are really beautiful, and the online platform allows you to look at sections of much larger maps in zoomable detail.

If you're lucky enough to be in Belfast over the next couple of months, you might like to see the full Mapping Ireland exhibition in the foyer of Belfast Central Libary. The maps will remain on display until March, and there's no charge to view them.

Belfast Central Library
Royal Avenue

9am to 8pm Monday and Thursday
9am to 5:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
10am to 4:30pm Saturday.