Tuesday, 9 June 2015

PRONI's Irish family history lectures now on YouTube

Between March and May, the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland ran a ten-week lecture series entitled Your Family Tree. These lectures explored some of the key archival sources available to family historians and were presented by specialists from a number of Northern Ireland repositories including PRONI. If you weren't able to attend them in person, you'll be pleased to know they have now been uploaded to PRONI's You-Tube channel.

Just click on the link for each lecture. Most run for around 40–50minutes. The main exception is  Tracing WW1 Ancestors, which is 1hr 40mins long, and includes three lectures from a separate conference exploring the stories of Irish women during the First World War.

 Getting Started, with Janet Hancock

 Using Street Directories, with Des McCabe

 Using Church Records, with Valerie Adams

 Tracing World War One Ancestors, with Ian Montgomery

 Using Education Records, with Valerie Adams

 Using Workhouse Records, with Janet Hancock

 Using Valuation Records, with William MacAfee

 Using Landed Estate Records, with Stephen Scarth

 Using Court, Prison and Coroners Records, with Wesley Geddis

 Using the General Register Office, with Emma Elliott.