Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Certificate in Oral History course starts September
Click image to download brochure (1Mb pdf)
Dublin City Library and Archive (DCM&A) will once again be offering the Lord Mayor’s Certificate in Oral History in the new academic year.

The course consists of 70 hours of part time study and will equip participants with skills in the preparation and conduct of oral history projects, including best practice in the collection and archiving of oral history interviews.

It will be held at DCL&A in Pearse St, Dublin 2 on Monday evenings from September 2015 until April 2016.

Full details are in the brochure, which you can download by clicking on the image to the right.

The deadline for receipt of course applications is 5pm, Friday 4 September.

Dublin City Council offers two Bursaries for candidates taking the Lord Mayor’s Certificate in Oral History (application closing date 28 August). Details.