Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Irish research is the theme of BIFHSGO conference

The British Isles Family History Society of Greater Ottawa (BIFHSGO) will be holding its annual conference Friday 20 September to Sunday 22 September at Library & Archives Canada in Ottawa. The focus this year is Ireland.

An interesting programme of lectures has been organised. There's a summary below to whet your appetite, but you can see full details on the Society's website here.

Friday, 20 September 2013 7pm–8:15pm
Official Welcome – Glenn Wright, BIFHSGO President
Don Whiteside Memorial Lecture: –These Old Walls of Ireland: Recording the Memories, with Philip Donnelly

Saturday, 21 September 2013 9am–4:30pm
SESSION 1 (Plenary)
Introduction to Irish Genealogy: Where Do I Start? with Eileen Ó Dúill
Irish Resources Available on LDS Websites, with Shirley-Ann Pyefinch
Tap Into Your Inner Private Eye: 8 Strategies for Finding Living Relatives, with Lisa Louise Cooke
Progress Report on Irish Genealogy 2013: Are Things Getting Better? with Eileen Ó Dúill
One-Name Studies Panel — Success through One-Name Studies, with Sandra Adams, Bill Arthurs, Elizabeth Kipp and John D. Reid
Around the Brick Wall: Tracing Back an Irish Family through Collateral Lines, with Linda Reid
How to Save Your Research from Destruction and Ensure Its Future Survival, with Lisa Louise Cooke

Sunday, 22 September 2013 9am–4:15pm
Irish Family Ghosts: When Personal History and Professional Research Collide, with Jane McGaughey
Genealogy on the Go with the iPad/Tablet, with Lisa Louise Cooke
Dublin, 30 June 1922: Did Everything Blow Up? with Eileen Ó Dúill
Are They Really My Ancestors? Using Autosomal DNA Tests to Confirm (or Deny) Relationships and Ancestors, with Linda Reid
The Ulster Detective, with Sher Leetooze
Genealogical Cold Cases: A Step-by-Step Process, with Lisa Louise Cooke
SESSION 8 (Closing Plenary)
Come to Ireland to Find Your Ancestors, with Eileen Ó Dúill