Monday, 23 September 2013

Genealogy and history events 23–29 September

Well, Culture Night may have been and gone for another year, but there's still plenty happening in the week ahead. Saturday, in particular, looks good, with interesting sessions in Ireland, Northern Ireland, USA and GB.

Monday 23 September: Planting Liberties and Undertakers: The Ulster Scheme, with Dr Glynn Kelso of PRONI. Venue: Lisburn City Library, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn, Co Antrim BT28 1FJ. 12:30pm. Free. Booking advised. Details: tel 028 9263 3350.

Tuesday 24 September: The Dublin Lockout with Padraig Yeates. National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. No booking. Free. First come, first served. 7pm.

Tuesday 24 September: Townlands, What Townlands?, with Roy Hamilton. Shantallow Library, 92 Racecourse Road, Shantallow, Derry BT48 8DA. 6:30pm. Free. Details: tel 028 7135 4185.

Wednesday 25 September: The Bureau of Military History Collection 1913-1921, with Cmmdt Padraic Kennedy of the Military Archives. Venue: Waterford Central Library, Lady Lane, Waterford. 6pm. Tel: 051 849975.

26 September: Kilmainham, Islandbridge and Beyond - New Light on Irish Viking Graves, with Dr. Stephen Harrison. Host: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Venue: Helen Roe Theatre, RSA, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. 7.30p. Free.

Thursday 26 September: Volunteering and women, with Dr Timothy Bowman. Last of the Volunteering in Ireland 1912–1916 lecture series at PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 6:30pm. Free, but booking required.

Thursday 26 September: Dublin Festival of History launches. Click logo below to visit website and programme. All walks are already fully booked, but tickets remain for many other events.

Friday 27 September: Plantation Families: People, records and resources, two-centre conference. PRONI, Titanic Quarter, Belfast. 9:30am–4:00pm. Refreshments provided. Free, but booking essential. Tel: +44 (0)28 9066 1988. See also Saturday 28 September.

Friday 27 September: The Famine: a series of unfortunate events or genocide? A HistoryIreland Hedge School with Kevin Whelan, Meredith Meagher, Willie Smyth, Tim Pat Coogan. Part of the Dublin Festival of History (see banner below).  Pearse Street Library, Dublin. 7pm.

Friday 27 September: The Home Rule crisis 1912-1914, with Hugh McShane. Comber Library, Newtownards Road, Co Down BT23 5AU. Free. 12:30pm. Booking advised. Details: Tel 028 9187 2610.

Friday 27 September: 'Suck-hole Rascals'? or, NorthWest Ulster Presbyterians, from Republicanism to Loyalty, 1798–1823, with Brendán Mac Suibhe. Tower Museum, Union Place, Derry-Londonderry. 3pm. Free.

Saturday 28 September: Irish Volunteers' Exhibition. Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Irish Volunteers, who were instrumental in the rebellion of 1916 and in the Irish War of Independence 1919-1921. Wynn’s Hotel, 35, Lower Abbey Street, Dublin. 11am–5pm. Details.

Saturday 28 September: Synods, Sessions and Supplications (how Presbyterian Church history in colonial America can help identify Scots-Irish migration, communication and kinship networks), with Patrice Stark. Host: WISE Family History Society. Venue: Central Denver Public Library, 10 West Fourteenth Avenue Parkway, 7th floor Training Room. Denver, USA. Details.

Saturday 28 September: Top Tens of Genealogy, a session aimed at breaking down Irish genealogy research into bite-sized top tens. With Bridget Bray. Venue: New York Irish Center, 1040 Jackson Avenue, LIC (Queens) NY 11101. USA. 2.00pm - 5.00pm. Free. Places are limited so booking essential. Tel: 00 (0)1 718-482-0909, or email

Saturday 28 September: Changing Skies, a one-day conference looking at migratin themes. Irish World Heritage Centre, 1 Irish Town Way, Cheetham Hill, Manchester M8 0AE, UK. 9:30am–6:30pm Details and booking.

Saturday 28 September: Plantation Families: People, records and resources, two-centre conference. Venue: Derry's Tower Museum, Derry-Londonderry. 9:30am–4:00pm. Refreshments provided. Free, but booking essential. Tel: +44 (0)28 9066 1988. See also Friday 27 September.

Sunday 29 September: Bully's Acre Graveyard, tour, with Paul O’Brien. Venue: Royal Hospital in Kilmainham, Dublin. Booking is essential as places are limited. Details. Email or telephone +353 (0)87-6759934.

Sunday 29 September:1913 and all that... The Irish working class – a forgotten history? The 19th Annual Joh Boyle O'Reilly Autumn School. Host: Old Drogheda Society and Drogheda Museum. Venue: Drogheda Museum Conference Centre, Millmount, Drogheda, Co Louth. 10am to 5:30pm. Conference fee including 3-course lunch €30 or conference lectures only €10. Booking essential: +353 (0)41 9833097.