Monday, 2 September 2013

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: latest updates

Here are the latest updates from IGP-web, uploaded during the second half of August:

Miles Carr, born in Donegal, Ireland
DERRY-LONDONDERRY Genealogy Archives – Memorials
Kilrea Churchyard Memorials

DONEGAL Genealogy Archives – Tombstones
Pennsylvania, USA (CARR, DUGAN & FRIEL - From Donegal)

DUBLIN Genealogy Archives - Court Records
Settlement between John Richmond, Sarah Richmond, Ann Wall & Richard Wall

KERRY Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Ballyferriter; Dun Urlann Graveyard
Kilbannivane Burial Ground (additional)
Kilquane Burial Ground
Old Cloghane Burial Ground

KILDARE Genealogy Archives
Memorial Cards
Churchyard Memorials – Ballysax

LIMERICK Genealogy Archives
From Limerick Chronicle – 4 marriages from 1832

OFFALY (KINGS) Genealogy Archives - Memorial Cards
MARTIN cards

WICKLOW Genealogy Archives
Memorial Cards– HARBOURNE
Headstone Index
Curtlestown; St. Patricks Church Cemetery, Pt 1 & 2
Additional Headstones for Arklow Cem. Part 3