Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Duhallow, Co Cork, to create genealogy/history group

There's a Request for Tender notice (id 78314) on TendersIE that may be of interest to genealogists in the North West Cork areas.

IRD Duhallow is looking for applications from service providers who will mentor local amateur genealogists and oral historians in a variety of collaborative research projects. These projects are likely to focus mainly on local issues, families, events etc, but could cover wider research themes, as chosen by the delegates.

A separate RFT notice (id 78328) concerns the supply and delivery of office, computer and software equipment that will be used to set up and run this new local genealogy/history group in Duhallow.

Detailed RFTs can be downloaded from TendersIE by registered suppliers, and applications must be submitted by next Thursday, 12 September.