Monday, 30 September 2013

History and genealogy events into first week of October

Tuesday 1 October: Jacob's Biscuit Factory and the 1913 Lock Out, with Dr Séamus O Maitiú. First in the Dublin Anniversaries series of City Hall lunchtime lectures. 13:10–13:50pm, plus 10 minutes Q&A. Free. No booking required. First come, first served.

Tuesday 1 October: What's Not Online: Researching Family History Using the Original Records, National Archives at Boston, 380 Trapelo Road, Waltham, MA. USA. Crew Lists of vessels, criminal and civil case court cases, bankruptcy records, etc. 2pm. Free, but need to register, tel (866) 406-237.

Tuesday 1 October: Wicklow's Gold Rush, with Peadar McArdle. Host: Kilmacanogue History Society. Venue: Glenview Hotel, Kilmacanogue, Co Wicklow. 8.30pm. Entry €3 (members €2). Details.

Tuesday 1 October: Ireland, as distinct from her people, is nothing to me’. Theo Dorgan talks on James Connolly. Second of the 'History to Blame' series of free lectures. 7:30pm. Cork City Library.

Wednesday 2 October: Family history for beginners, with Ann Robinson from the North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS). Venue: Lisburn City Library, 23 Linenhall Street, Lisburn. Co Antrim BT28 1FJ 7pm. Free. Telephone 028 9263 3350 to book. Cancelled.

Wednesday 2 October: Bureau of Military History Statements, with Eve Morrison. Finglas Library, Main Shopping Centre, Jamestown Road, Finglas, Dublin 11. Time 6:30pm. Free. Tel: 353 (0)1 8344906.

Thursday 3 October: Women, children and food provision in the 1913 Lockout, with Ann Matthews. Charleville Mall Library, North Strand, Dublin 1. Time: 11.00am. Free. Tel: 353 (0)1 8749619.

Thursday 3 October: What’s happening at GRONI, with Alistair Butler. Host: North of Ireland FHS, Belfast Branch. Venue: Upstairs room of the Holywood Arches Library, Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NT. 7:30pm–9:30pm. Enquiries.

Thursday 3 October: The proofs of Irish villainy’: the 1641 Rebellion and the 1641 Depositions, with John Gibney. Venue: Rathmines Library, 157 Lower Rathmines Road, Dublin 6. 3.30pm. Free. Tel: 353 (0)1 4973539. Part of the Dublin Festival of History.

Thursday 3 October: Farmers and Labourers, first in the new Exploring Family History series, with Dr Janice Holmes. Host: Open University in Ireland/PRONI. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 6:30pm. Free.

Friday 4 October: Kerry Genealogy Roadshow at the Dingle Food Festival. Details.

Saturday 5 October: Local History Day at Dublin City Library and Archive, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. 10:00am–4:00pm. Programme. Free. No booking required. All welcome on a first come first served basis

Saturday 5 October: Kerry Genealogy Roadshow at the Kenmare Lace Festival. Details.

Saturday 5 October: Irish Family History Workshop, with Dr Irene O’Brien. Mitchell Library, North Street Glasgow G3 7DN. An introduction to Irish family history. 10:00am - 1:00pm. Fee £20. Book early as spaces are limited. Tel +44 (0)141 287 2999 or email.

Saturday 5 October: The Grangegorman Depot and the transportation of Irish convict women to Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) 1840-1852. Host: Stoneybatter & Smithfield People's History Project. Venue: The Cobblestone, 77 North King Street, Smithfield, Dublin 7. Time: 5pm.

Sunday 6 October: Kerry Genealogy Roadshow at the Portmagee Sea Shanty Festival. Details.