Friday, 13 September 2013

Irish genealogy courses starting this Autumn

Satchels at the ready! Loads of part-time study courses for genealogy/family history will be beginning in Ireland shortly as the Autumn academic year gets underway. Most have their enrolment dates within the next week or so; a few enrolment dates have already passed, but there may be spaces, so act quickly if you want to be in front of teacher for the first class.

Here's a round-up of the courses I know of, together with the most up to date details about availability. 'Spaces available' (or not), means as of this morning.

Genealogy/Trace your family history, with the Ulster Historical Foundation at Stranmillis College. A 10-week course run on Tuesday evenings starting 24 September, 7–9pm. This course is now full. Telephone 028 9038 4345 or email to add name to reserve list.

Cork – UCC
NUI Diploma in Genealogy. Part-time study on-campus at University College Cork, Western Road. Two-year course. 7–10pm. Details of course. €1,360 per academic year (€1,000 concessions).

Cork - City Centre
Genealogy: How to trace your family free, with tutor Tony McCarthy. Venue: Western Gateway Building, Room 304, University College Cork. Tuesday 7-9pm, 24 September to 26 November, 2013. Focusses on genealogical sources, methodology and historical/social context. Fee: €230. Enrol by 20 September. Details or tel: 021 490 2301.

Dublin – Belfield or Blackrock
Introduction to Genealogy and/or Certificate in Genealogy/Family History (details), with lecturer Sean Murphy. University College Dublin. Monday afternoons 2:00pm–4:30pm at Blackrock or evenings 7:00pm–9:30pm at Belfield, starting 23 September. €300. Spaces still available.

Dublin - Blackrock
Genealogy – Family History Research course, with tutor Tom Coughlan guiding students through the finding out stage and then advising on how to set out an attractive family tree.Venue: Newpark Adult Education Centre, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock. Tel 288 4376. 8-week course held on Tuesdays 7.30-9.45pm, starting 24 September. Fee €130. Spaces still available.

Dublin - City Center
ICM Diploma in Family History, delivered in conjunction with The Association of Professional Genealogists in Ireland (APGI) at Independent College, 60-63 Dawson St, Dublin 2. Co-ordinator Paul Gorry MAPGI. Eight lecturers, all APGI members. Tuesdays 6:30-9:30pm. 12-week course from Tuesday 8 October and to Tuesday 14 January (no classes over Christmas). €895 (payment plans available). Details. Tel: 01-6725058.

Dublin - Dundrum
Genealogy – family research for beginners, with tutor Máire Mac Conghail MAPGI, at Dundrum Adult Training and Education (D.A.T.E.), Dundrum town centre. 10-week course. Wednesdays 9.30-11am. Starts 26 September. Fee €105 (Concessions €50). Details. Telephone: 01 2964322.

Dublin - Kilternan
Genealogy for beginners, with tutor Máire Mac Conghail APGI, at Kilternan Adult Education Centre, Ballybetagh Road, Kilternan, Dublin 18. A hands-on practical course on how to research family history. 10 week course. Wednesdays 12-2pm. Starts 18 September €143. Also, Genealogy continuation course for those who have completed a beginner's course. Thursdays 12-2pm. 10 weeks. Starts 19 September. €143. Details.

Dublin – Malahide
How to research your family history, with Claire Bradley. Beginners' class. Basic computer skills required. Starts Tuesday 24th September in Malahide Community School. 10 weeks duration. €110. Enrolment night at the school on Tuesday 17 September. Details (pg 20).

Dundalk - Louth
Genealogy course over 8 weeks at O'Fiaich Institute of FE. Mondays 7:00-9:00pm. Course will concentrate on tracing your family roots throughout Ireland, north and south. Optional Guided Tours of Local and public libraries will be available in order to facilitate students which will enable them to carry out their own research. Starts Wednesday 25 September. Fee €99. Course number OFA1338. Details or tel: 042-9353967. Book by Tuesday 17 September latest.

Limerick - ULL
Certificate in the History of Family and Genealogical Methods. One-year ECTS-accredited certificate course at University of Limerick on Thursday evenings 6.30-9.30pm. €684. Details. Spaces available.