Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Certificate in Oral History course starts in September

http://www.dublincity.ie /RecreationandCulture/libraries/News%20Items/Documents/Oral-History-2014.pdf
A Certificate in Oral History course will be starting in the Autumn. It'll be held at Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse Street, Dublin on Monday evenings.

The course is designed to equip participants with skills in the preparation and conduct of oral history projects, including best practice in the collectino and archiving of oral history interviews. It will examine the wealth of recorded oral narrative sources in Ireland in both oral history and folklore.

It runs from September to April next year.

There's a fee of €500 and the deadline for applications is 29 August.

Two bursaries are available (closing date 14 August, email cityarchives@dublincity.ie).

To download the Lord Mayor’s Certificate in Oral History course brochure (2Mb pdf), click the picture, right.