Friday, 15 March 2013

Morpeth Roll exhibition opens at NUI Maynooth

Yesterday I visited the Morpeth Roll  exhibition at NUI Maynooth, where the conservation of the 1841 document was carried out, and had an in-depth interview with Paul Hoary, the lead conservator on this project.

Once St Patrick's weekend is over, I'll be writing an equally in-depth feature about the Roll for my website,and explaining how and why this resource holds so much potential for family historians.

Even if, like me, you can't currently make any connection with the 157,000 names it holds, the Roll may yet deliver! All will become clear in my feature, and I'll let you know here when it's available.

In the meantime, you can view the video below about Lord Morpeth's Roll, it's history, its social/political value, the conservation project and it's delivery online by Ancestry. It also reveals a connection that's been made to the UK Royal Family.

Or you can get yourself along to the John Paul II Library at NUI Maynooth for the free exhibition. It's available during normal Library hours (Monday to Thursday 8.30am to midnight; Friday 8.30am to 7pm): but will also be available all this bank holiday weekend (16-18 March) between 10am and 5pm. It'll be off on tour after 12 April, and I'll bring you details of where it's heading in due course.

THE MORPETH ROLL - A Long Goodbye from NUI Maynooth Morpeth Roll on Vimeo.