Registration starts at 9:30am and the day ends at 3:30pm. Although tea and coffee are provided after the first lecture, lunch is not included, but there are several cafes and eateries nearby.
Admission is free and no booking is required. For further details telephone +353 (0)1 6744999.
09:50am : Welcome
10:00am : DNA for ancestry research, with Gianpiero Cavalleri RCSI
10:45am : Tea/coffee
11:15am : Free online genealogical sources in Dublin City Libraries, with Paul Gorry MAPGI
12:00pm : A Policeman's Lot: The Dwyers of Cappanahanagh, with Pol O Duibhir
12:45pm : Lunch break
02:00pm : A Dublin Brewing Family: The Byrnes of Byrne's Hill, with Marie Oxx
02:45pm : New online resources from the National Archives of Ireland, with Catriona Crowe
03:30pm : Close
Venue: DCL&A, Conference Room, 138-144 Pearse Street, Dublin 2.