Thursday, 7 March 2013

Archive and library closures: St Patrick's Day

With the St Patrick's Bank Holiday Weekend fast approaching, it's time for a round up of the closing and opening arrangements of the island's major institutions and archives.

The National Archives of Ireland
Closes 5pm Friday 15 March. Reopens Tuesday 19 March at 10am.

Dublin City Library & Archive
Closes 5pm Friday 15 March. Reopens Tuesday 19 March at 10am.

Closes 4:45pm Friday 15 March. ReopensTuesday 19 March at 9am.

National Library of Ireland
Reading Rooms: Open Saturday 16 March 9:30pm -12:45pm; closed Sunday 17 and Monday 18 March. Reopening Tuesday 19 March at 9:30am.
Kildare Street Exhibitions: Open Saturday 16 March 9:30am-4:30pm and on Sunday 17 and Monday 18 March 12pm-5pm.
Temple Bar Exhibitions: Open Saturday 16 March 10am-4:45pm and on Sunday 17 and Monday 18 March 12pm-4.45pm.

Don't forget that the Irish Family History Centre will be open all over St Patrick's weekend at the Discover Ireland Centre on Suffolk Street, Dublin 2. It's a great opportunity to start or progress your genealogy research. There's a great line-up of exhibitors on hand to help and guide you, as well as a full programme of lectures each day. It's free and promises to be a fun event. Details.