It's to be held at the Robert Emmett Theatre, Room 2037 Arts Building, Trinity College, Dublin on Saturday 25 May.
It's free to attend, and there's no booking required.
Looks like a busy and absorbing day. Here's the programme:
09:30 – Registration and opening remarks, with Sean Duffy
09:40 – The importance of women in measuring the Irishness of Viking Dublin, with
Patrick F Wallace
10:30 – Dublin and the Late Roman Comb, with Ian Riddler
11:10 – Tea and coffee
11:30 – The rocky road(s) to Dublin? with Matthew Stout
12:10 – What the Vikings really thought of Clontarf, and why we never heard it: a speculation,
with Lenore Fischer
12:50 – Lunch
14:00 – Farm fresh: St Mary's abbey medieval food suppliers, with Geraldine Stout
14:40 – A rising tide does not lift all boats: medieval settlement in Temple Bar, with Alan Hayden
15:20 – Tea and coffee
15:40 – The church lands of the medieval diocese of Dublin, with Paul McCotter
16:20 – Life in the big city: being at home in Viking Dublin, with Rebecca Boyd