Sunday, 26 August 2012

This week sees final three 20x20 talks at the NLI

The 20x20 series of talks co-ordinated by Eneclann, Ancestor Network and the NLI will take place this week at the National Library, as below. Each of the talks is free, lasts about 20 minutes, and is followed by a Q & A session:

Monday 27 August: A thousand years of Irish genealogy: how to use Gaelic pedigrees and family trees in your research, with Prof. Nollaig O Muraile, NUIG.

Tuesday 28 August: The Registry of Deeds – records to trace your family history, with Mary Beglan, genealogist.

Wednesday 29 August: Records for children in Care (pre-1952 adoptions), with Fiona Fitzsimons, Eneclann.

No booking is required. Seats are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Venue: Seminar Room, National Library, Kildare Street, Dublin.

For biographies of the presenters, see Eneclann.