Thursday, 30 August 2012

The Ulster Covenant: September talks at PRONI

Next month, PRONI will be hosting an exciting series of lectures on the 1912-1922 period of Irish history as part of the 100 year commemorations of the Ulster Covenant. The name of the series is Change, Conflict and Transformation, 1912-1922, and all lectures will take place on Thursdays during September.

Talks will be delivered by the following speakers:

6th September: Raiders of the Lost Archives: Covenant records at PRONI, with Stephen Scarth

13th September: Nationalism 1900-1922, with Dr Eamon Phoenix

20th Spetember: The Ulster Covenant and Ulster Unionist resistance to Home Rule, 1912-1914, with Dr Tim Bowman

27th September: The Story Arc Of The Covenant: from signature to screen, with William Crawley and Brian Henry Martin.

Venue: PRONI Building, Titanic Quarter, Belfast.
Time: Thursdays 6.30pm.
Cost: Free.

For more information, contact PRONI.