Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Cheaper digital options now available from Eneclann

Eneclann has a very fine range of historical publications available on cd but they've always been a bit... how can I put this?... pricey. I know several genealogists who treat themselves to one or two titles each time there's a special discount on offer but would never consider buying at full price.

Which is a shame, because there are some really good titles in the range, ones that most researchers would love to see adorning their shelves.

Well, now there's a way to enjoy the titles for less and still have room on your shelves! Eneclann is working its way through its catalogue and selecting certain publications for conversion to an easy-to-download option. As e-book/pdf downloads, with no postage costs accruing, the titles are now considerably cheaper than the cd versions – some even work out at half price.

So check out the latest digital list on the Eneclann catalogue (scroll down one-third of the page), and see if you don't deserve a few summer treats! There are 24 of them now. Here's a selection:

Sir Arthur Vicars, Index to the Prerogative Wills of Ireland, 1536-1810: Well-known to Irish genealogists, this book contains an index to over 40,000 Irish wills, most of which were destroyed in the 1922 explosion at the Public Record Office in Dublin. Digital download, €14.49 outside EU; €17.82 within EU.

Shearman's Directory of Waterford, Kilkenny & the southeast 1839: A rare book and one of the earliest local directories published in Ireland. It covers Waterford, Kilkenny, Clonmel, Carrick-on-Suir, New Ross, Carlow and Tramore. Digital download €14.49 outside EU; €17.82 within EU.

A Frenchman's Walk through Ireland 1796-1797: An important source for researchers who are interested in Irish society at the close of the eighteenth century. Contains observations on all levels of society. Digital download €6.26 outside EU; €7.70 within EU.