Friday, 31 August 2012

FindMyPast Ireland adds Passenger Lists 1890-1960

FindMyPast Ireland has added 24 million records to its Immigration & Travel records.

The Passenger Lists (of people leaving the UK 1890-1960)  make a useful record collection for anyone whose ancestors left Ireland for pastures new in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Most records in this collection contain information on the passenger's year of birth, the departure and destination ports, and details of any other family members on the same voyage.

The main ports of interest to Irish genealogy researchers are Londonderry, Queenstown and Dublin, but all Irish ports up to 1921 are included in this collection. From 1922, only Northern Ireland ports are included.

There's a very thorough description of these records and some context on the database provider's website here.

Don't forget that FMPie is also offering a 10% discount on all subscriptions taken out before 14 September.