Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Family History Day at National Print Museum

There's a special family history research day scheduled for tomorrow, so get yourself organised if you want to go along.

Organised by Eneclann and FindMyPast Ireland, the event will kick off at the National Print Museum, Beggar's Bush Barracks (off the Haddington Road), Dublin 4 at 10am. It's free and ticketless, so no need to book. You have the opportunity to do look-ups on, get some free advice from Eneclann's genealogy team, and take in any or all of a series of short talks as follows:

12noon: Irish Births, Marriages and Death Records for Beginners, with Eileen Ó Dúill APGI.

1pm: Using Findmypast to Trace Your Family History, with Cliona Weldon of

2pm: Using Newspapers to Trace Your Family History, with Jennifer Doyle of Eneclann.

3pm: Family History Records Online, with Paul Manzor of Eneclann.

Researchers attending the event can take advantage of the venue by learning about the Irish printing craft and its history.