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I haven't checked the events below for inclusion in the official Heritage Week programme, although some of them may be.
Either way, it's a very busy month and there's no excuse for not learning or experiencing something new this summer.
Wednesday 15 August: Using newspapers to trace your family history, with Jennifer Doyle, Eneclann. National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Wednesday 15 August: The Diploma in Genealogy Studies Information Evening, with the IARC. 8pm. The Masonic Hall, Tuckey Street, Cork: Booking and information 061 518355 or email lorna.moloney@irisharc.org.
Thursday 16 August: Irish placenames – tracing where your ancestors came from, with Brian Mitchell, author of 'A Guide to Irish Parish Registers'. National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Friday 17 August: Irish births, marriages & deaths for beginners, with Eileen O'Duill, genealogist. National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Saturday 18 August: Ireland to England: Where Did They Come From? A half-day course with Michael Gandy, Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road, London EC1M 7BA. 2-5pm. £17.50 (Members £14). Booking.
Sunday 19 August: War in the 20th century, Carrickfergus Castle. Meet characters from both the British and American armies of WW1 and WW2 who will display their equipment and relate tales of everyday life under tough war time conditions. Demonstrations take place 1030-1700.Adults £5. Children £3. Under 4s Free. Details: Tel: (028) 9335 1273.
Sunday 19 August: Michael Collins and the Bankers, lecture with Tim Pat Coogan. Glasnevin Museum, Dublin. €10. Booking essential on 01 882 6550.
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Monday 20 August: What you don’t know about FamilySearch.org, with Craig Foster. 11am. Irish Ancestry Research Centre, Tierney Building, University of Limerick. In the afternoon, individual genealogy consultations are available. The event is free but booking is essential: Tel: 061 518355 or email lorna.moloney@irisharc.org.
Monday 20 August: Using Valuation Office records to trace your family, with Carmel Gilbride, genealogist.National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Tuesday 21 August: The Slave’s Tale, with Poul Holm exploring the Dublin slave market. Part of the Tales of Medieval Dublin series held at Wood Quay Venue of Dublin City Council. Starts 1.05pm. Free.
Tuesday 21 August: Records of the RIC and DMP, with Jim Herlihy, author of The Royal Irish Constabulary.National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Tuesday 21 August: Tracing your Ancestors, with Dr. Máire Kennedy. Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre. 1pm. Free. Booking required: email centrallibrary@dublincity.ie Tel: 01 8734333.
Wednesday 22 August: Using FindMyPast to trace your family history, with Cliona Weldon, FindMyPast.National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Wednesday 22 August: Did your ancestors work in Carlow Town? Carlow Historical & Archaeological Society presents three illustrated mini-lectures on Town industries (all now closed) where your ancestors may have worked: Governey's Boot Factory & Corcoran's Mineral Waters, with Dan Carbery; The Irish Sugar Company, with Paul Lyons; The Blade Factory & Cold Rolling Mills, with Pat O'Neill. Venue: St Patrick's College, Carlow Town. 8pm. Admission Free. All Welcome.
Thursday 23 August: Scots-Irish emigration, 17th-19th centuries, with William Roulston, Ulster Historical Foundation.National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Thursday 23 August: Memory Lane - Recollections of Dublin, with the digital project team of Dublin City Public Libraries. 1pm. Admission is free. Booking required: email centrallibrary@dublincity.ie Tel: 01 873433.
Friday 24 August: National Archives of Ireland, sources online, with Catriona Crowe, NAI.National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
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Sunday 26 August: War in the 20th century, Carrickfergus Castle. Meet characters from both the British and American armies of WW1 and WW2 who will display their equipment and relate tales of everyday life under tough war time conditions. Demonstrations take place 1030-1700.Adults £5. Children £3. Under 4s Free. Details: Tel:(028) 9335 1273.
Monday 27 August: A thousand years of Irish genealogy: how to use Gaelic pedigrees and family trees in your research, with Prof. Nollaig O Muraile, NUIG.National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Tuesday 28 August: The Registry of Deeds and records to trace your family history, with Mary Beglan, genealogist.National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.
Wednesday 29 August: Records for children in Care (pre-1952 adoptions), with Fiona Fitzsimons, Eneclann.National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 1pm. Seminar Room. Free. No booking.