Wednesday, 15 May 2019

UHF's Irish genealogy conferences & courses, 2019-20

Assisted research at the Public Record Office of NI
The Ulster Historical Foundation (UHF) has advised that its 5-day Assisted Research Conference in October is now full. However, there are still spaces available in the June and September programmes, both of which allow the researcher a choice of researching in the archives with the UHF team of genealogists or spending time touring famous historic sites.

Now also open for booking are two winter Irish Genealogy Essentials courses.

Irish Family History Experience:  10–15 June 2019

Budding researchers begin this programme in the classroom, learning how to get to grips with research techniques, archives and genealogical sources in Ireland. They will also acquire the knowlegdge and skills to help them further explore their family history during the course and after.

The first three mornings are classroom-based, followed by afternoons of assisted research at PRONI. In the second half of the week, delegates can either continue their assisted research in the archives or choose guided excursions to places of  historic interest, including Bru na Boinne, Derry/Londonderry, Kilmainham Gaol and the Giant's Causeway.

Tracing your Irish Ancestors: 4-11 September 2019

This is the UHF's classic eight-day programme. It includes a mix of research in the archives in Belfast and Dublin, lectures, and tours to famous historic sites and cultural attractions.

Each day of the conference presents delegates with a choice of assisted research in the archives with the UHF's team of experienced genealogists or an excursion to an historic site or cultural attraction, including Kilmainham Gaol, Giant’s Causeway and the Knowth passage tomb at Brú na Bóinne and the picturesque town of Enniskillen situated in Co. Fermanagh's beautiful lakelands.


Irish Genealogy Essentials: 4-8 November 2019 and 10-14 February 2020

In addition to the full conference experiences above, the UHF runs 5-day family history courses – Irish Genealogy Essentials – aimed at the beginner or rusty genealogist. As well as lectures, the course includes an orientation tour and assisted research at PRONI and a one-to-one consultation with an experienced genealogist to guide your research.
