Friday, 10 May 2019

IGRS London Open Day, Saturday 11 May

Tomorrow, Saturday 11 May, the Irish Genealogical Research Society (IGRS) will be hosting its Open Day & AGM in London.

The event will follow its popular format of two talks in the morning, followed by a finger buffet lunch and a chance to chat to other Irish family historians, followed by the AGM in the afternoon. I've attended several IGRS Open Days and can guarantee you a relaxed, informal but informative event where everyone is welcomed, whether members or not.

Just a small handful of places remain as of this morning, so be sure to book quickly if you want to attend.

Here's the programme:

10:15   Registration, coffee and biscuits

10.45   Mining for Treasure in the IGRS Collections, with Jill Williams, FIGRS

11.45   Freed felons, Land Hungry Migrants and Imperial Infantry: The Biographical Database of Australia as a Source for Genealogists, with Michael Flynn

13:00   Lunch

14:15   IGRS AGM (All welcome, but only members may vote)

15:30   Close

Venue: The Abbey Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, London, SW1P 3BU. Close to St James's Park and Westminster tube stations.

Cost: The charge for attending the morning lectures, which includes lunch, is £25 members/ £30 for non-members. The AGM is free.

Details and booking.