Tuesday, 21 May 2019

More Co. Wexford RC parish records join RootsIreland.ie

RootsIreland has added more than 2,600 Roman Catholic records to its County Wexford database. All are from the Adamstown Parish registers, as follows:

Adamstown Baptisms: 1837-1865 (2,591 records)
Adamstown Marriages: 1841-1845 (71 records)

They join Roman Catholic records from 15 other parishes in the county. All pre-1881 transcriptions include links to the National Library of Ireland's images of the register pages.

To search the new records, go to http://wexford.rootsireland.ie and select Adamstown from the ‘Parish / District’ drop down list. Login and Subscribe if required.

You can view a full list of the Co. Wexford records on RootsIreland