Friday, 23 November 2012

Genealogy and history events, end Nov-early Dec

Saturday 24 November: Irish Family History Society Morning Meeting at Dublin City Library & Archive, Pearse St., Dublin 2. From 10am to 1pm. Open to non members. Admission free. No booking required. Lectures: Using Valuation Office records to trace your family, with Carmel Gilbride and Researching Stoker families, with Douglas Appleyard.

Sunday 25 November: Walk down Memory Lane. An opportunity for people to dig out their treasure trove of old memorabilia. Highlights include photographs, school roll-books for Tullyholvin and Carrickbeg and Boho items from Fermanagh County Museum. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own pieces of Boho memorabilia. 2pm to 5pm at Community Centre, Boho, Co Fermanagh. All welcome.

Tuesday 27 November: Sources for studying Ulster families in the 17th century, with Dr William Roulston. Host: Coleraine Family History Society, Coleraine Guide Hall, Terrace Row. 8pm. £3 for non-members.

Tuesday 27 November: The Road to War & Partition. Digital Film Archive lunchtime presentation, narrated by David Bridges. Newry City Library, 79 Hill Street, Newry BT34 1DG. Free but booking advised. 028 9263 3350.

Wednesday, 28 November: The Ulster Covenant 1912: an exercise in mass-democracy or reaction? A History Ireland Hedge School. A roundtable discussion with historians and well-known personalities at the National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin. 7pm. Free. No booking.

Thursday 29 November: The history of Cotton Mills in Bandon 1802-26 and a general overview of the textile trade in the 1790s with Paddy O'Sullivan. Host: Skibbereen & District Historical Society. Venue: West Cork Hotel, Skibbereen, Co Cork. 8:30pm. Small contribution requested.

Thursday 29 November:
Dig down and discover your ancestors. An introduction to online resources, at Castlederg Library, 1A Hospital Road, Castlederg, Co Tyrone. 2:15pm. Free, but booking advised. 028 8167 1419.

Friday 30 November: Family history for Beginners online. Castlewellan Library, 4 Upper Square, Castlewellan, Co Down BT31 9DA. 11am to 12:30pm. Some basic computer skills required. Free but booking essential: 028 4377 8433.

Monday 3 December:
'The sick are left to the mercy of the winds and the waves'; Dispensing medical care in 19th-century Ireland, with Dr Catherine Cox. Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (Helen Roe theatre), 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. 7.30pm. Details.

Tuesday 4 December: Auld Lammas Fair, an illustrated talk by Alastair McCook, author of Auld Lammas Fair Photographs. Portrush Library, 12 Causeway Street, Portrush, Co Antrim. 6:30-7:30pm. Free. No booking.