Thursday, 3 January 2019

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: latest update sees headstone photo collection pass new milestone

Memorial in Convoy, Co Donegal, to Neal and
Eileen McNamee who perished on the Titanic.
Photo courtesy of Ireland Genealogy Projects
Archives and Malcolm Houston
The last update of 2018 by Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives sees new volunteer contributions of photos and transcription to the group's headstone collection from burial grounds in counties Donegal, Dublin, Meath and Waterford. It brings the IGP-Archives total headstone count to more than 140,000 – an impressive milestone to pass as we look towards 2019.

Here are the new files, all added in the second half of December:

DONEGAL Genealogy Archives - Headstones
St. Mary's Old (R.C.) Cemetery, Convoy - (Pts. 1-3) Completed!

DUBLIN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Mount Jerome, Dublin - Part 211

MEATH Genealogy Archives - Headstones Transcriptions.
St Cuthbert's Cem., Boyerstown, Navan

WATERFORD Genealogy Archives - Headstones