Tuesday, 29 January 2019

GRO (England & Wales) - price of BMD certs to increase

Paper bmd certs, England and Wales
Having recently turned my one-name study research to Santrys who settled in Britain, I have quite a shopping list of birth, marriage and death certificates to place with the UK's General Register Office, so I was happy to stumble upon news of an imminent price increase. It may be helpful for other researchers in a similar position to take note.

On 16 February, the cost of English and Welsh certificates of BMDs will increase as follows:

The price of paper copies – certified/official certificates – will increase from £9.25 to £11. The priority service, which allows delivery on the next working day, will rise from £23.40 to £35.

'Research copies', ie pdf versions issued by email, will rise from £6 to £7. PDF versions are available only for registrations of birth 1837-1918 and death 1837-1957.

As far as I can tell, there are no fee hikes in the pipe for Scottish certificates.