The records and photos listed below were added to the Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives during the second half of February. All records held by IGP-web are donated by volunteers and accessible free of charge.
Have you considered sharing your church and gravestone photos, memorial/mass cards, gravestone inscriptions, transcribed school registers or any other records to this long-established and well-regarded project?
Your records could help another researcher break through a brickwall or provide much-needed confirmation of vital information to another family historian. You can find details of how to contribute here.
GENERAL IRELAND Genealogy Archives - Unidentified Photos
New photo
CAVAN Genealogy Archives
Photos – Reilly, John & Mary Ellen (nee Gilleece)
Headstones – Glasleck Presbyterian Church Cemetery (Partial)
MONAGHAN Genealogy Archives
Headstones – (Partial) Corvally Presbyterian Church Cemetery
Photos – Building In Cornacrieve, Monaghan 1930s
TIPPERARY Genealogy Archives
Death Records – Death Records for COSTELLO
Directory – Clonmel Directories 1788-1930
Land – Clonmel Property Valuations 1837
Miscellaneous – Clonmel: Voters 1837; Freemen 1832-37; Streets/Places, Past & Present
TYRONE Genealogy Archives – Headstones
St. Lawrence's Church Cemetery (R.C.), Fintona (Partial)
WICKLOW Genealogy Archives - Church
Assorted SMITH Marriages Kilbride & Ennereilly Church, 1852-1872