Thursday, 13 March 2014

March issue of Irish Lives Remembered published
The March issue of Irish Lives Remembered magazine has been published and is now available for free download.

This month's main research focus is in double vision, with both County Limerick and New York highlighted. The 26-page Limerick section provides an overview of researching in both Limerick City and County and looks at the holdings of several repositories, including the Local Studies library, City Library and City Archives.

There's also a feature about the highly regarded Limerick's Life, by fellow blogger Sharon Slater, which anyone with an interest in the history of Limerick ought to be following, and a two-pager about this Saturday's Genealogy Day – easily the most important and interesting event happening in the City of Culture this weekend!

Moving across the Atlantic, Joe Buggy explores the need to appreciate the distinction between New York City and New York State, when searching for records in the Big Apple; there's a feature about Annie Moore, the first emigrant to pass through Ellis Island, and another about writer Mary Anne Madden Sadlier's life journey from Cootehill in County Cavan to Quebec and on to New York. And going further afield, there's a useful listing of online resources for those researching ancestors in Australia's North Territory.

There's a lot more besides, so download your copy and get reading.