Thursday, 30 January 2014

Gaelic Ireland presents prize-winning original research

Gaelic Ireland (c. 600–c. 1700): politics, culture and landscapes is a collection of four essays that won the ‘Irish Chiefs’ Prize. This competition was sponsored by the Standing Council of Chiefs and Chieftains, and was designed to encourage original research into Ireland's Gaelic past. It was not open to professional historians teaching at a third level institute.

The term ‘Gaelic Ireland’ in this anthology applies to the whole sweep of the historic period during which Irish was the language of a large portion of the ruling classes as well as the people of Ireland, from the fifth century to the slaughter of chieftains at the Battle of Aughrim in 1691.

It explores not only the political history of the period but also the wider culture, literature, law, beliefs and traditions.

Edited by Katharine Simms and published by Wordwell, the book costs €25.00.
ISBN : 978 1 905569 79 3