Wednesday, 22 January 2014

£370k Ulster-Scots education project launches

An Ulster-Scots Education project is to be launched tomorrow evening in Belfast by the Northern Ireland Culture Minister Carál Ní Chuilín. The groundbreaking project has been allocated £370,000 and will be delivered by the University of Ulster.

The University will develop Ulster-Scots teaching materials suitable for the post-primary sector (Key Stages 3, 4 & 5), colleges, universities and the public. It will also create an online Ulster-Scots academic library and promote Ulster-Scots in education through publications, conferences and creative writing competitions. Materials will also be delivered through workshops, talks and online projects.

Culture Minister Carál Ní Chuilín said: “This is an exciting project which will provide teaching materials for schools as well as for the wider public. This project and the other projects which I am funding through the Ulster-Scots Academy’s Research and Development Grant Scheme, will allow those who have an interest in Ulster-Scots to tap into a rich resource of materials which will broaden their interest and knowledge in this aspect of our cultural heritage.”

The launch formalities will take place on Thursday at 6pm at The MAC Belfast.