Monday, 20 January 2014

All about funerals! Lecture series at Glasnevin

Glasnevin Museum is to host a weekly lecture series on the subject of funerals, that is funerals of historical figures, and how they have shaped the political and public consciousness.

The lectures start next month will be held on Thursdays. Brief details are below.

13 February: Illustrious Corpses: Burying Nationalist Ireland's Heroes,
                   with Professor Michael Laffan

20 February: Theobald Wolfe Tone's grave at Bodenstown: From long silence to milling crowds,
                    with Dr Christopher J. Woods

27 February: Poor Granua weeps: mourning and political mobilisation in O'Connell's Ireland,
                    with Dr Maura Cronin

6 March     : Terence Bellew MacManus and the Making of the Fenian Funeral,
                    with Dr Pauric Travers

13 March     : 'A great city wrapped in gloom': the demise of Paul Cullen, Ireland's first cardinal'
                    with Professor Daire Keogh,

20 March     : ‘Under the great comedians tomb’: the funeral of Parnell
                    with Frank Callanan

27 March     : 'I would wish to be buried... without any funeral demonstration': Michael Davitt's
                    death and funeral, with Dr Carla King

3 April        : ‘ nothing has moved her in living memory’: mourning and burying Michael Collins,
                    with Dr. Anne Dolan

Lectures will be at 7pm in the Milestone Gallery, Glasnevin Cemetery Museum.

Tickets €10 (or €8 if booking one or more in the series). To book, phone +353 (0)1 882 6550 or email.