Friday, 11 January 2013

Conference: Jewish community in north of Ireland

As mentioned in a blog post last week, PRONI is to host a conference on the Jewish community in the north of Ireland on 31 January. The afternoon conference will examine the history of the Jewish Community in the north of Ireland, with particular reference to Jewish refugees who came to Ireland in the 1930s to escape Nazi persecution.

The Conference is open to the public and details have now been finalised, as follows:

2.00 pm
Introduction and presentation of Heritage: The A-Z DNA of Belfast and Northern Irish Jewry, by the author, Stuart Rosenblatt.

2.10 pm
The gathering and the scattering: the Jewish Community in the North of Ireland, with Stuart Rosenblatt (Irish Jewish Genealogical Society).

Safe Haven at Millisle: Northern Ireland and the Kindertransport Scheme, with Dr Leon Litvack (Queen’s University Belfast)

3.10 to 3.30 pm
Coffee break

3.30 pm
The work of the Belfast Jewish Refugee Committee, 1937-1945, with Pamela Linden (Queen’s University Belfast)

4.00 pm
One Letter, One Voice, Multiple Archives: the case of Leopold Pollak, with Bethany Sinclair (PRONI)

4.30 – 4.45 pm
Questions and discussion

Admission: free of charge.

Booking: Places are limited so booking is essential. To reserve a place, email or phone (+44) 028 90 534800

Venue: PRONI, 2 Titanic Boulevard, Titanic Quarter, Belfast. BT3 9HQ