Friday, 18 January 2013

10% discount on British Newspaper Archives sub

Are you a UK-based researcher? Fancy a 10% discount on a 12-month subscription to the British Newspaper Archive?

If so, go to the BNA website, click through to the Purchase page, select the 12-month package and enter the promo code fHmTenYtR. Hit 'Apply Code' and you'll see the discount automatically applied and bringing the price for 365 days of unlimited searching down to £71.96.

As of today, the BNA holds 6,248,402 pages of newspaper. On past performance, that figure will have grown considerably before this offer expires on 31 January! Although this is a UK-only discount offer, you'll have full access to ALL the newspapers in the archive.

The Irish papers in the archive include Dublin Evening Mail, Belfast Morning News
Belfast Newsletter, Cork Examiner, Freeman's Journal and The Sligo Champion. You can check out the editions covered on the BNA homepage.

British Newspaper Archive