Monday, 21 June 2021's Kerry database passes 300,000 Catholic records

It's hard to believe that less than 18 months ago, there was no representation for County Kerry on the Irish Family History Foundation's database, which is still regarded by many genealogists to be the most accurate site for Irish church records.
Click/tap image for an up to date list of Kerry records

Its holding currently consists only of Roman Catholic records. With today's upload of 9,277 baptism and marriage register transcription the database now holds more than 300,000 of them across 24 parishes. 

Entries up to 1881 link to images of the relevant register page on the National Library of Ireland's website (the NLI image collection ends at that date). 

RootsIreland's post-1881 entries are transcribed from local registers and are probably the only online records for this period currently available.

The new records are from the following parishes:

  • Ballybunion marriages, 1831-1905 (2,922 records) 
  • Brosna baptisms, 1866-1900 (1,734 records) 
  • Brosna marriages, 1890-1900 (156 records)
  • Castlegregory marriages, 1829-1911 (2,552 records)
  • Killeentierna marriages, 1803-1884 (1,586 records)

To view RootsIreland's full menu of online soureces for County Kerry, click the image above.