Friday, 25 June 2021

FindMyPast adds more than 2.3million Irish Court records

FindMyPast has made the following additions to its Ireland collection:

Irish Petty Sessions Court Registers: More than 62,000 records from the courts of Ballyshannon and Newtowncunningham have been added to this record-set. They date from 1828 to 1855.

Although the Petty Sessions Court records are available in other commercial databases, this County Donegal set is exclusive to FindMyPast. You can search all County Donegal petty sessions records here.

If you're not familiar with this popular collection (total records 22million+), see the Irish Petty Sessions page at

Court of Chancery Bill Books, 1627-1884: This collection from the National Archives of Ireland spans more than 250 years. It holds some 1.2million records and contains information about legal disputes and court proceedings, often referring to genealogical details and names. While it has potential for family history, the real-world detail of the cases recorded is scant. Search here.

Court of Exchequer Bill Books 1627-1884: Dealing mainly with cases concerning equity, this court was at a senior level of the Judiciary's pecking order. Its records are full of land and business owners, merchants, professionals and farmers with large landholdings and estates. The collection holds over a million records. Like the Court of Chancery above, the records have genealogical potential, even if they don't reveal much detail or explanation of the proceedings. Search here.

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