Friday, 18 June 2021

Ancestry adds staff books (1862-1969) for Jameson Distillery, Dublin

A second gift from Ancestry* this week comes in the form of a new collection of staff records from Jameson Distillery in Dublin. It's called the Jameson Distillery Staff Wage and Employment Books, 1862-1969 and includes those working at the Irish whiskey distillery at its original site in Bow Street which provided work for a wide range of craft skills to the artisans of the capital. 

Part of the Time Book showing who worked at the
Jameson Distillery during this week, 170 years ago.
Click for enlarged image.

The site, which quickly spread to cover five acres, included a Smithy, Cooperage, saw mills, engineers, carpenters, painters and coppersmith's shops, in addition to several still rooms and vast storage cellers.

The collection includes some 1,039,997 indexed records, and browseable images of the following books:

  • Insurance Books 1918-1950
  • National Health Insurance and Unemployment Book 1914-1952
  • Stamp Book 1821-1851 
  • Time Book 1875-1897
  • Unemployment Book 1932-1952 
  • Wage Book 1862-1969 

*For the first, The Casey Collection, see blogpost.

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