Thursday, 3 June 2021

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: a busy May for updates

It's wonderful to see this good-sized update from Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives; it shows some kind of normality is starting to return on both sides of the Atlantic now that Covid Lockdown restrictions have been eased. Long may it continue!
Here lieth t(he) | body of PATR(ICK) | BYRNE deceasd |
May ye 10 1735 age(d) | 62 years
Castletimon Cemetery, Wicklow. Photo courtesy
IGP Archives, Joyce Tunstead and Adele Spencer.
Click image for larger view.

CLARE Genealogy Archives - Miscellaneous
Assorted Evictions in Union of Kilrush

DUBLIN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Kilbarrack Graveyard 1b

LAOIS Genealogy Archives - Land
Queens County Deed Extract - 1713 (Names)

LEITRIM Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Farnaught, St. Mary's Graveyard (CoI)

TIPPERARY Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Cullaun Graveyard near Timoney (PDF)

TIPPERARY genealogy Archives - Church Records
Fethard RC Parish Baptisms (Dio. Cashel & Emly) 1818

WEXFORD Genealogy Archives - Miscellenous
Census, 1823 (History of Enniscorthy)
Transplanted to Connaught in 1652 (History of Enniscorthy)

WICKLOW Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Castletimon Cemetery Part 2
Redford Catholic Cemetery, Greystones, Part 7