Monday, 28 June 2021

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 28 June to 10 July

Tuesday 29 June: The dismantling of the Poor Law system in Ireland in the 1920s and 30s, with Brian Donnelly. Host: National Archives of Ireland. Online lecture. Free. 7pm. Need to register here.

Tuesday 29 June: Occupational Hazards – The working lives of our ancestors, with Dr Janet Few. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Causeway Coast and Glens Branch. Online lecture. Free. All welcome. 8pm. Email to request zoom link.

Wednesday 30 June: Deep Histories, Deepening Connections: The UK and Ireland's Lost Records, an afternoon conference hosted by The National Archives (UK) to mark the 99th anniversary of the destruction of the PROI in the opening battle of the Irish Civil War. Starts 2pm. Ends 5pm. Free. In a series of discussions and presentations, the converence will reveal the surprising stories behind medieval tax finance and the accounting scandals that led to centuries of Irish records being sent to England, and tackle the conservation challenges of providing access to premodern collections.Registration required.

Wednesday 30 June: "Sheep stealers from the north of England” – the Riding Clans in Ulster, with Robert Bell, author of The Book of Ulster Surnames. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. Online lecture, free. 2-3pm. Need to register.

Thursday 1 July: The land question and revolution in Monaghan, with Professor Terence Dooley. Host: Monaghan's War of Independence lecture series from Monaghan County Museum. Free lecture on Facebook and YouTube, 7pm. All welcome.

Friday 2 July: What happened to Limbo? with Dr Christy Cunniffe exploring Limbo's significance with reference to the traditions and practices around death and burial in Ireland with a special focus on deviant burial. Host: Irish Workhouse Portumna's First Friday Series of lectures. Online. 8pm. Tickets €5. Details.

Monday 5 July: Lighthouses All Around Ireland – Their History, Construction and Operation, with Dr Gordon Millington. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Foyle Branch. Online lecture. Free. All welcome. 7pm. Email to request zoom link.

Tuesday 6 July: The Ballyfermot troop train ambush of 8th July 1921; the last major action of the War of Independence, with Cathy Scuffil and Liz Gillis. Part of the Truce series of free online lunchtime lectures marking the anniversary of the end of the War of Independence. Host: Mansion House and Dublin City Libraries. 1pm. Booking essential.

Wednesday 7 July: Lord Mayor Laurence O’Neill and the revolutionary Mansion House, with Cllr Michael MacDonncha and Mary Muldowney. CPart of the Truce series of free online lunchtime lectures marking the anniversary of the end of the War of Independence. Host: Mansion House and Dublin City Libraries. 1pm. Booking essential.

Wednesday 7 July: Major-General Oliver Nugent – The Irishman who led the Ulster Division in the Great War, in conversation with author, Nicholas Perry. Hosts: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the Ulster Historical Foundation. 2-3pm. Online. Free. Booking essential.

Thursday 8 July: "The guns are silent - but they remain in the hands of the Irish Volunteers", with Cormac Moore telling the story of how the Truce came about. Part of the Truce series of free online lunchtime lectures marking the anniversary of the end of the War of Independence. Host: Mansion House and Dublin City Libraries. 1pm. Booking essential.

Thursday 8 July: What revolution? Were there winners and losers? with Professor Terence Dooley. Host: Monaghan's War of Independence lecture series from Monaghan County Museum. Free lecture on Facebook and YouTube, 7pm. All welcome.

Friday 9 July: The War of Independence in Cork from both sides of the conflict, with historians Dr John Borgonovo and Dr William Sheehan, and chaired by Gerry White. The event marks the centenary of the Truce between Britain & Ireland. Host: St Peters Cork, 87A North Main Street, Cork City. 7:30pm to 9pm. Covid restrictions in place. Tickets cost €10.

Friday 9 July: "England's interests are not Orange interests" – Approaches to the Truce in the national and international press, with Mary Muldowney. Part of the Truce series of free online lunchtime lectures marking the anniversary of the end of the War of Independence. Host: Mansion House and Dublin City Libraries. 1pm. Booking essential.

Friday 9 and Saturday 10 July: The Military Aspects of the War of Independence, 1919-1921, a two-day online seminar hosted by the Military Archives and the Military History Society of Ireland. No registration required. Links in Programme will go live at 9am on each day. See programme for details.