Monday, 7 June 2021

Irish genealogy, DNA and history events (online): 7-20 June

Monday 7 June: Bank holiday Republic of Ireland. Business as usual in Northern Ireland

Tuesday 8 June: The Military Archives Pensions Collections, with Michael Keane, civilian archivest at Military Archives. Host: Kildare Military Seminar 2021. Live online presentation at 7:30pm. Free. Need to register.

Wednesday 9 June Ground-breaking developments in treatment of wounded on the Western Front, with Tom Scotland. Hosts: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the Western Antrim & Down Branch of the Western Front Association. Free, but need to register. 8pm to 9pm.

Wednesday 9 June: Mapping the Irish Revolution 1912-1923, a Lifelong Learning Course from the National Library of Ireland in partnership with UCC's School of History. A four-week programme (Wednesday afternoons 2pm to 4pm) providing an overview of the Irish Revolutionary period. Free, online course over Zoom. Details and Booking.

Thursday 10 June Representing the Last Moments of Irish Revolutionaries in Museums, with Dr Siobhán Doyle from the National Museum of Ireland. Host: Kildare Military Seminar 2021. Live online presentation at 7:30pm. Free. Need to register.

Friday 11 June: The Diaspora and the Irish Revolution, 1916-1923, a one-day conference. Host: Carlow College. Online. Free. Download full programme. Need to register. Full programme here.

Wednesday 16 June: Using Online Resources, a Getting Started workshop. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 12:30 to 13:30. Free. Online. Need to register.

Friday 18 June: Species of Domestic Spaces: House and Home in Eighteenth-Century Ireland, a day-conference from University College Dublin's Humanities Institute. Free online lectures. 9am to 3:30pm. Need to book.

Friday 18 June: The Military Archives Oral History Collection, with Noelle Grothier, archivist. Free, online Military Seminar 2021 hosted by Kildare Library Services. 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Need to book.

Saturday 19 June: Virtual 2021 DNA Discovery Day, with the Genealogical Society of Queensland. 9am–4:30pm. Tickets: $2.00–$75. Lectures include: Maximising Messages, with Michelle Patient; Ask the Wife! A DNA Analysis Strategy, with Diahan Southard; How Healthy is your DNA, with Dr. David Fairbairn; A Case Study in Clustering, with Greg Carlill; DNA: Another Genealogical Tool, with Helen Smith; BigY & Using BigY results in Family History, with James M. Irvine. All lectures are followed by Live Q&A. Details and booking.

Saturday 19 June: Military Seminar 2021, hosted by Kildare Libraries Services. Three lectures: Strongbow and the Normans, with Dr Conor Kostick at 10am; Rows and Ructions: military-civilian violence in Irish garrison towns, with Dr Aoife Bhreathnach at 11am; Guerilla Warfare During The War of Independence, with Lorcan Collins at Noon. Need to book. Free, online seminar.

Saturday 19 June: The Family History Show, Online, organised by Discover Your Ancestors (UK) magazine. Free talks. Speak to 100+ family history societies and genealogical suppliers by text, audio, video chat or email from the comfort of your own home. Submit questions to Ask the Experts panel before the show. 10am to 4:30pm. £6/£8. Details.

Saturday 19 June: The Vikings and Cork: Raiding, Trading and the Development of the Town, an online conference. Host: Cork Historical and Archaeological Society. To be held online from 10am to 4:15pm. Register and view full programme here.

Saturday 19 June: The Family History Show. Online day event with seven lectures (available to view for 72 hours), exhibitors hall, ask the experts and more. Advance tickets £6. On the day tickets £8. Mainly UK focused but with some generic themes and exhibitors relevant to Irish research. Details.