Thursday, 19 November 2020

Researching Presbyterians in Ireland: lecture and book

To mark the publication of his latest book, Researching Presbyterians in Ireland, Dr William Roulston will be presenting an online lecture on Thursday 26 November, hosted by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.

The talk will include an overview of the range of records relating to the various strands of Presbyterians in Ireland over the last four centuries, and will include documentation created by individual congregations, as well as the records created by the higher courts of Presbyterianism and the personal papers of Presbyterian ministers.

Registration for the free event is required and you can find full details on Eventbrite.

Dr Roulston has been Research Director of the Ulster Historical Foundation (UHF) since 2006 and has written and edited a number of publications on Irish and especially Ulster history. His new book explores the many shades of Prebyterianism; the records (congregational, baptism and marriage registers) each produced and where they can be found by researchers.

It also provides information about Presbyterian ministers, places of worship/burial, education and publications, and sets out details about a selection of other Irish genealogy record collections where Presbyterian ancestors may be discovered.

The 192-page paperback is available from the UHF at BooksIreland for a very modest £9.99.