Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: mid-month update

Headstone in Kill Graveyard to Edward Boylan
Photo and copyright: Steve Napolitano.
Click image for larger view.

The mid-month update to Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives includes items from Counties Cavan, Fermanagh/Monaghan and Galway, as below.

All the files are free to search and access by researchers.

CAVAN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Kill Graveyard (partial), Kilnaleck
St Patrick's RC Graveyard, Corlough

FERMANAGH* Genealogy Archives - Church Records
Aghadrumsee CoI Marriages,1825-1921
Clones Marriages CoI, 1845-1921
Cooneen CoI Marriages 1887-1921
Kinawley Parish Marriages, (Derrylin CoI) 1845-1921
*Some of these records include people from MONAGHAN

GALWAY Genealogy Archives - Newspapers
Wreck of emigrant ship St John of Galway, 3 Nov 1849