Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Irish genealogy/history events online, 24 Nov-mid Dec

Here's a round up of Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, all of them online in one guise or another, taking place in the next few weeks. I'll add to it if I come across any more.

Tuesday 24 November: A Beginners Guide to using DNA for Family History, with Martin McDowell (NIFHS). Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 2pm. Free. On Zoom. Booking required.

Tuesday 24 November: Lisburn – The Burnings, 1920, with Pearse Lawlor. Host: Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum. Free. Online via YouTube at 7pm. Book by telephone 02892663377 or email to ilc.reception@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk for link.

Thursday 26 November: From Turmoil to Truce: Photographs of the War of Independence, a virtual exhibition tour. Host: National Library Photographic Archive. All welcome. 11am on Zoom. Free. Booking required.

Thursday 26 November: Researching Presbyterians in Ireland, with Dr William Roulston (UHF). Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. On Zoom. Free. 2-3pm. Fully booked. Join waitlist.

Thursday 26 November:Land Indexes at the Registry of Deeds, with Rob Goodbody, Una Palic and Dr Conchubhar O Crualaoich. Host: PRA of Ireland. Zoom. Free. 3pm–4:15pm. Need to book. Fully booked.

Thursday 26 November: The other great pandemic: Spanish flu in Ireland 1918-19, with Dr Ida Milne. Host: South Dublin Libraries Decade of Centenaries programme. All welcome. Free. 7pm on Zoom. Booking essential.

Thursday 26 November: Social life in Pre-Reformation Dublin, 1450–1540, a webinar with Dr Peadar Slattery. Host: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 7:30&8:30pm. All welcome. €5. Tickets.

Friday 27 November: The Dead of the Revolution. Dr Darragh Gannon interviews Professor Eunan O'Halpin, one of the authors of the newly published book, which itendifies a total of 2,850 deaths arising from 1916-1921. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 2pm-3pm. Free. On Zoom. Register.

Friday 27 November: Electioneering and Propaganda in Ireland, 1917-1921 – Votes, Violence and Victory. Dr Ciaran Wallace interviews Dr Elaine Callinan about her new book (Four Courts Press). Host: Carlow College. 3pm-4pm. Zoom. All welcome. Free. Register.

Friday 27 November: Michael Collins and the War in the Shadows, with Dr Myles Dungan. Host: Muckross House Research Library. To receive Zoom link email library@muckross.ie before 5.30, Wednesday 25th November. Talk is free. 7:30pm.

Friday 27 – Monday 30 November: The Spirit of Mother Jones Festival. Lectures, music and more, all online, free on Cork Community TV. No registration required. See Schedule.

Saturday 28 November: Celebrating Carlow Scallions with History, Folklore, Music and Song. An online family-friendly event for everyone with Carlow connections. 1pm–2pm. Zoom. All welcome. Email folklore.ie@gmail.com to register. Details.

Monday 30 November: The Hunger: The Story of the Irish Famine, documentary narrated by Liam Neeson. First of a two part RTE documentary series based on the award-winning book 'Atlas of the Great Irish Famine'. 9:35pm on RTÉ One. Second part at same time, same place on 7 December.

Tuesday 1 December: Peace After The Final Battle: The Irish Revolution, 100 Years on, with John Dornay and Eamon Delaney. Host: National Library of Ireland. 7pm on Zoom. Free. Booking required.

Tuesday 1 December: Cartography and Settlement in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, with Annaleigh Margey. The 2020 D.A. Chart Seminar on Maps. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 7pm to 8:15pm. Free. On Zoom. Tickets.

Thursday 3 December: Neutrals, Immigrants, Aliens, Evacuees: The Irish In Britain during WW2, with Dr. Jennifer Redmond. Host: Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. 7pm. Free. On Zoom. Register.

Friday 4 December:The other great pandemic: Spanish flu in Ireland 1918-19, with Dr Ida Milne. Host: Muckross House Research Library. All welcome. To receive Zoom link email library@muckross.ie before 5.30, Wednesday 2nd December. Talk is free. 7:30pm.

Monday 7 December: The Hunger: The Story of the Irish Famine, documentary narrated by Liam Neeson. Second of a two part RTE documentary series based on the award-winning book 'Atlas of the Great Irish Famine'. 9:35pm on RTÉ One.

Monday 7 December: Rolling back the Road: A Journey in Irish Traveller Family History, with Tony Hennessy MAGI and Michael Collins. Host: National Library of Ireland. An online event via Zoom. 7pm. Free, but you need to register. Details.

Tuesday 8 December: Centenaries, 1920-23: commemorations, conflict and conciliation, with Prof Brian Walker. Host: Irish Linen Centre & Lisburn Museum. Free. Online via YouTube at 7pm. Book by telephone 02892663377 or email to ilc.reception@lisburncastlereagh.gov.uk for link.

Friday 11 December: 1920: A Year of Terror, with Liz Gillis. Host: Muckross House Research Library. All welcome. To receive Zoom link email library@muckross.ie before 5.30, Wednesday 9th December. Talk is free. 7:30pm.