Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Irish Times publishes The Revolution Files supplement

The Irish Times has today published a supplement called The Revolution Files, which explores the good the bad and the ugly of Ireland's revolutionary years between 1916 and 1923.

Cover of The Revolution Files supplement.
Click image to view online version.
It features highlights from individual pension files and IRA Brigade Activity Reports (BARs) sourced from the Military Services Pension Collection, which only two weeks ago saw another tranche of papers released online by the Military Archives' team at Cathal Brugha Barracks (see blogpost).

The Revolution Files supplement is available with today's edition, and will definitely make a purchase of the newspaper worthwhile, even for those who don't normally buy a paper.

For those outside Ireland who may have difficulty sourcing today's edition (and supplements don't always make it to overseas outlets due to the extra weight), The Irish Times has a good online presentation (free) in web-magazine format (click the cover image, right) and you can search by county to view features about localised events. Unfortunately, the number of pages you can explore without a subscription is restricted.

UPDATE, 16 October: In view of the above restrictions, the Military Archives is presenting online stories contained in the supplement. They are arranged in four parts, by province, as follows:

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