Monday, 14 October 2019

Irish genealogy and history events, 14-27 October

Monday October 14: Researching your WW1 Ancestors, with Alan Rosborough. Host: NIFHS, Newtownabbey branch. Venue: Glengormley High School, Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim. 7pm – 9pm.

Wednesday 16 October: Women in Dublin before the Black and Tans, with Berni Dwan, Maeve Cassidy and Mary Muldowney. Part of the Dublin in the Era of the Tan War. Host: Near 90.3fm. Venue: Raheny Library, Howth Rd, Raheny, Dublin 5. Doors open 6:15 for 6:30pm start. Evening includes music. Free. All welcome.

Wednesday 16 October: Genealogical Storytelling Workshop, with Aaron McCormick, Ann McClelland and Donna Fletcher. Host: NIFHS/North Armagh Branch. Venue: Bleary Community Centre, 1 Deans Road, Bleary, Craigavon, Co Armagh, BT66 7AS. 10am to 1pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 16 October: Protestant Poverty and Local Government Reform in Cork County Home, 1921-50, with Dr Aoife Breatnach. Host: Trinity Centre for Contemporary Irish History Research Seminar Series. Venue: Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin. All welcome. Free. 4pm to 5:30pm. Details.

Thursday 17 October: Neutrals, Immigrants, Aliens, Evacuees – The Irish in Britain during WW2, with Dr Jennifer Redmond. Hosts: PRONI and the Ulster Society of Irish Historical Studies. Venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 7pm. All welcome. Free but need to book.

Thursday 17 October: The history of Belfast City Cemetery, with Tom Hartley. Host and venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. Free. All welcome. Details. 1.00pm.

Friday 18 October: Pirates, slaves and shipwrecks – the maritime heritage of Waterford's coast, with Dr Connie Kelleher. Host: Waterford Archaeological and Historical Society. Venue: St Patrick's Gateway Centre, Patrick St, Waterford City. 8pm. Members free; non-members €5. All welcome.

Friday and Saturday 18 and 19 October: Back To Our Past exhibition and Genetic Genealogy Ireland conference. Venue: Main Hall, RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. GGI lectures in Merrion Room, above Main Hall. 10:30am–6:00pm both days. Free entry, see organiser's website.

Friday 18 to Sunday 20 October: Terence MacSwiney Weekend 2019, Revolution & Education. Host: Kilmurry Historical & Archaeological Association. Venue: Independence Museum Kilmurry, Lissarda, Co Cork. Speakers include Dr Cathal MacSwiney Brugha, Dr Sinead McCoole, Dr Neil Buttimer, Anne Twomey, Niall Murray. Opens 7:30pm Friday. Weekend tickets (€20) and programme on Eventbrite

Saturday 19 October: Irish Census Alternatives: The information was not all destroyed! with Audrey Leonard. Host: Irish Genealogical Society International. Venue: Minnesota Genealogy Center, 1385 Mendota Heights Road, Mendota Heights, MN, USA. 10:30am to Noon. All welcome. Non members fee: $20. Details and pre-registration.

Saturday 19 October: A chronicle of disappointment - Tales from the Military Service Pensions Collection, with Ronan McGreevy. Host: Dublin Festival of History. Venue: Poddle Room, Printworks, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2. 4pm. Free. All welcome. No booking.

Sunday 20 October: Finding Your American Cousins, with Donna Moughty. Part of the North of Ireland Family History Society's 40th Anniversary lecture series. Venue: Castle Upton Suite, Hilton Hotel, Templepatrick, Co Antrim. Admission: £5. All welcome. 2:30pm.

Monday 21 October: Irish Land Records and Irish/Scottish records Q&A, with Chris Paton. Host: Glasgow & West of Scotland FHS. Venue: Gilchrist Theatre, Kelvinside Academy, Kirklee Rd, Glasgow, Scotland, G12 0SW. 7:30pm. Free to members. Non-members £1 on the door. All welcome.

Monday 21 October
: The Belfast Famine (1845-1849), with Jenny Cumming. Host: NIFHS/Larne branch. Venue: Larne Bowling & Lawn Tennis Club, 112-120 Glenarm Road, Larne, BT40 1DZ. 7.30pm. All welcome.

Tuesday, 22 October: Finding Irish Ancestors in the St. Louis Recorder of Deeds Office, with Richard Buthod. Host: St Louis Genealogical Society. Venue: Auditorium at St. Louis County Library HQ, 1640 South Lindbergh, St Louis, MO63131 USA. 7–8:30pm. Free. All welcome. Details.

Tuesday 22 October: Stories from Stones – Researching Graveyards, with Tom Hartley. Host: NIFHS/Belfast Branch. Venue: C. S. Lewis Room, Holywood Arches Library, 4-12 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NT. All welcome. 7.30pm.

Wednesday 23 October: Managing money in early C18th Ireland: Swift and money, with Brendan Twomey. Host: The Old Dublin Society. Venue: Dublin City Library and Archive, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. All welcome. Free. 8pm.

Wednesday 23 October: Irish Family History Assistance. Host: Genealogical Society of Victoria. Venue: GSV Library, Level 6, 85 Queen St., Melbourne 3000, Australia. Experienced helpers in the library to offer advice on your Irish research. 10am to 4pm. Free for members. $30 non-members. Bookable one-hour appointments with a research consultant. Details.

Thursday 24 October: Cold War heritage in Northern Ireland, with Dr James O’Neill. Venue and host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Titanic Blvd, Belfast. 1pm. Free, but need to register.

Thursday 24 October to Saturday 26 October RootsTech London. Genealogy conference and exhibition. Host: FamilySearch. Venue: Excel Centre, Docklands, London, UK. 150 presentations, including several on Irish family history themes, plus free exhibitors hall. Irish Genealogical Research Society (tables 16 & 17) is the only exhibitor dedicated to Irish genealogy. 50% off 1-day and 3-day passes. Details.

Friday 25 October: Samhain traditions in Ireland, with Dr Críostóir Macarthaigh. Host: Sligo Field Club. Venue: Institute of Technology Education Centre, Sligo. All welcome. Non-members €5. 8pm.

Friday 25 October: PRONI Workshop - Online Resources for Family and Local History. Host and venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 11am to 1pm. Free, but need to register.

Sunday 27 October: The Goodwin Family of Hell's Kitchen, New York City: A case study tracking an Irish-American family, with Kevin Cassidy. Host: Lincoln-Lancaster County Genealogical Society. Venue: Walt Branch Library (#1 and #2), 6701 S 14th, Lincoln, NE 68512, USA. 2pm–4pm. Free. All welcome.