Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Family Tree Maker 'Insider' events: Belfast, Cork, Dublin

The team from Family Tree Maker (FTM), one of the world's most popular genealogy software packages, will shortly be arriving in Ireland for its first-ever 'FTM Insiders Tour' of the island.

Six FTM Insiders sessions are planned, taking in Belfast, Dublin and Cork. The events are co-sponsored by the North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) in Belfast, the Cork Genealogical Society in Cork, and in Dublin, the Irish Genealogical Research Society and Accredited Genealogists Ireland.

Family Tree Maker has been around for thirty years and is the preferred choice for many genealogists, whether they are beginners, intermediates or professionals. Of course, there have have been many updates to the software in that time (I upgraded to the 2019 version* a month or two ago) as it keeps up to date with genealogical developments and family historians' expectations.

At the Insiders' Sessions, Family Tree Maker 2019 will be on sale for up to 50% off its regular price. There will also be discounts on Charting Companion 7 which helps genealogists researchers to integrate their DNA test results into their family history research, and Family Book Creator which creates a professional quality printed family history book using your FTM tree. Each session will include three talks/demonstrations:
  • Family Tree Maker 2019 - An In-depth Insiders View, with Mark Olsen (FTM)
  • Making a Professional Quality Family History Book, with Stefan Harms (Family Book Creator)
  • Using DNA Test Results in Your Family History Research, with Pierre Clouthier (Charting Companion)
Each session is open to the public, not just to the membership of the co-sponsors, and free tickets are available on a first-come/first-served basis for a limited number of seats at each event. Once the free tickets are gone, tickets cost £10/€10 each, so don't delay in reserving your seat via EventBrite using the links below.

Sunday, 27 October – Sponsors: North of Ireland Family History Society
Venue: The Park Avenue Hotel, 158 Holywood Road Suite, Belfast, BT4 1PB
Cost: First 120 seats are FREE (€10 after free seats are filled)
Times: Two identical sessions starting at 10am and 1:30pm
Register for Morning Session (10am), or the Afternoon Session (1:30pm).

Monday 28 October – Sponsors: Cork Genealogical Society
Venue: The Kingsley Hotel, Deane-Woodward Suite, Victoria Cross, Cork
Cost: First 80 seats are free (€10 after free seats are filled)
Register for Evening Session (6pm).

Tuesday 29 October – Sponsors: Irish Genealogical Research Society and Accredited Genealogists Ireland
Venue: Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2
Times: Three identical sessions each starting at 11am, 2:30pm and 6pm.
Cost: First 80 seats are FREE (€10 after free seats are filled)
Register for  Morning Session (11am),  Afternoon Session (2:30pm), or Evening Session (6pm)

* I paid for it. I've been using Family Tree Maker for 20 years or more.