Friday, 1 March 2019

Spring edition of Irish Roots Magazine published
The Spring edition of Irish Roots, Ireland’s only independent genealogy magazine, is now on sale. You can choose between paper and digital formats.

In this issue, you’ll find articles on Ireland’s historical education system and National School records; an overview of how to research your County Meath ancestors; an introduction to New York’s Watson House and its records of female Irish immigrants; and a look at the UK Parliamentary Papers as a source for Irish research. In this quarter's column on Australian connections, you can learn about Irish medical men on convict ships.

There are also features about how your DNA may help save the lives of future generations, and how joining a family history society could benefit your research, plus news of recent developments at the National Archives of Ireland;

You'll also find observations about going-ons in the world of Irish family history; letters to the editor; answers to readers’ genealogical queries; a round-up of all recently released records; news from history and genealogy societies, and details of newly launched books.

Click the cover picture to find out more, subscribe, buy a copy or download a free sample.